Logging-in / Starting a Session

URL: /accounts/remote_login/
Post Data: username, password, api_key, cat_tool


This is a unique key assigned to your company so the system can identify you. The keys are free and you can request multiple keys if need be. Contact us at support@iceni.com to request a key.


If your users can connect to multiple TransPDF server, you may not always know the api_key. In this case, supply the name of your CAT tool instead. Provided the server knows your tool and has a key assigned to it, the login will succeed.


This is supplied by your user and is the username they used during registration on transpdf.com. The username is typically an email address.


This is supplied by your user and is the password used during registration on transpdf.com. Passwords are case dependent.


On success the session ID is returned. This ID should then be used for all subsequent access.
On failure the HTTP status code will be set to something other that 200 and an error message will be returned instead of the session ID.

Logging-out / Finishing a session

URL: /accounts/remote_logout/
Post Data: session_id


The unique key returned in the initial login call.


On failure the HTTP status code will be set to something other that 200 and an error message will be returned instead of the session ID.