Add TransPDF to Your Translation Tools
Including TransPDF in your app gives your users access to high-quality XLIFF import/export from their PDFs. They will be able to achieve the transformation of PDF to translated-PDF faster and with more accuracy than ever before.
The HTTP-based API is free to developers and includes a Python wrapper to make things simpler. If you need additional wrappers, let us know.
Example Code
Download the API example code and Python class by right-clicking the link and choosing 'Save Link As...' or equivalent for your browser.
What Can You Do With The API?
- Log-in / out
- Upload PDFs
- Auto-translate PDFs
- Upload / Download XLIFFs
- Download preview PDF containing your translations
- Download a comparison PDF showing original and translated pages side-by-side.
- Download HTML previews of translated pages
- Download final, translated PDFs
- Delete PDFs
In order to use TransPDF from within your app, two things are required:
- a developer API key - get in touch and we'll generate one for you at no cost
- a user account - your users will need their own free account on
How Do Payments Work?
After sign-up, users are automatically given some free 'credits' to use with the system.
- There is a 1 credit charge for the initial conversion of PDF to XLIFF (free with a valid Infix license)
- There is a 1 credit charge for conversion to CSV (free with a valid Infix license)
- Generation of the final PDF incurs a 1-credit charge per edited page. The fee for page 1 is waived. (free with a valid Infix license)
- Previews and XLIFF imports are all free.
- PDFs that require OCR processing incur a mandatory, 1-credit per page charge after which no further charges are applied to the PDF.
- Auto-translation using the cloud incurs a mandatory, 1-credit per page fee after which no further fees are charged.
Users may purchase additional credits by visiting their account page at
Your app doesn't need to track or get involved with the transaction, it all happens between the user and the transpdf server.